Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 4th week


Location, Location, Location! About the importance of a location manager. Free but you must RSPV to jean@filim.org. Prince theatre 1412 Chestnut St.

Home grown; Hip life in Ghana- Explores hip hop in Africa, and it is followed by another movie showing that chronicles the 1st meeting of Roxanne Shante Bahamadia. $5-$8 7pm at the Ibrahim Theatre 3701 Chestnut St.

PIFVA- L'Etage (6245 6th st.) presents Cinema Speakeasy featuring a movie by a local film maker. 7:30 FREE

90s dance party- at the Barbary ...kinda lame, but hey you might be too...

Vice Royal with Patterns and 2 others- 8pm $8 at the Khyber 56 S. 2nd St.

$2 Tuesdays- $2 rum and coke, $2 Miller Light, $2 mini burgers, $2 Chicket fingers. At the Rum Bar on 20th and Walnut.

Plausible Artists Potluck- Join other artists and creative minds to network discuss and munch on shard food. Free. Basekamp (723 Chestnut St.)

Chess for Adults- 6pm at 201 South 40th St. at the Free Library located there. Call 215-685-7671 for more information.

Drinking Liberally- Oh man, I bet this is so up it's own ass. This is there description "Assemble with like-minded liberal folk, get smashed, and chat." 6-9 at Triumph Brewing Company 117-121 Chestnut St.

Forest Basics- Free yoga class at Studio 34 4522 Baltimore Ave. 4-5:30

Lickety Split Acoustic Night- Often so bad you have to laugh. Which honestly, is what I want out of my open mic. 9:30 no cover 21+ 4th and South.

Tritone Open Mic- No cover 21+ 7:30 1508 South St.

Yoga in the Park- Free at Rittenhouse Square, if you don't know where that is use google and get out of your house sometimes. 6:30 pm

THe Hand of Fatima- A tribute to the former NY Times music critic. Ibrahim Theatre 3701 Chestnut St. 7pm $5-$8.

The Shop on Main St. (Ochodna Korze) 1965 Czech, a man is given a jewish widows showing shop during WWII, and this movie is all about the relationship that forms, 2pm Free at the library on 19th and Locust.

Bulge- Underware only party in the gayborhood. Minimal dresscode is ENFORCED, at the Bike Stop 9-2 $5 206 S. Quince St.

Charlaine Harris- The writer of the books that inspired the series of True blood will be reading form her 10th stackhouse novel. 7:30 FREE at the Free Library on 19th and Vine

Umoja Orchestra- with a few other bands, here them here, then see them at the Fire, 412 W. Girad Avenue 21+, 9pm, $7

Coming Out Under Fire- This film talks about the way the army treats gays and lesbians during WWII. 7pm FREE 1315 Spruce St. William Way Center.

Drag Show- Philadelphia's most loved drag show is $6 at Bb and Barbara's 11pm-1am 1509 South St.

Popi- Hip hop with a few other artists, here them here, then see them at the Fire, 412 W. Girad Avenue 21+, 9pm, $7


WXPN's Free at noon- At the world cafe live free (duh) at noon (duh) go hear some live music fool.

Daly's Irish Pub Drag Show- Who doesn't love a drag show? Only terrible people don't. This is a free one for those of you who are over 21 at Daly's Irish Pub on 4201 Comly St.


Classic Metal night (21+)- from 5-7 get free pizza pizza and $2 beer of the week and well drinks. At the dive Saturday night on Passyunk Ave (by 7th and Carpenter)

Tour of The Kimmel Center Art and Architecture- which if you've ever been in the kimmel center before you know is fascinating. 10:30 in the morning at the Kimmel center on Broad St. (For more information- http://www.kimmelcenter.org/planning/tours.php)

Traditional Irish Music Session (21+)- Join Fergie's Pub on 1214 Sansom St. at 4 for a traditional Irish music session.

Penny drinks and drafts (21+)- yup that's right drinks for a penny, the only catch is that there is a $6 or $7 cover charge. At Roosevelts and Room VII at 23rd and Walnut

$2 Bloody Mary’s & Mimosas: 11am to 3pm 12 steps down in the Italian Market

$2 Bloody Mary’s & Mimosas: 11am to 3pm 12 steps down in the Italian Market

Lickety Split Standup Sundays- Host Damon D. welcomes all levels of talent, including professionals, TV writers and up-and-comers, for this open mic night. Just because you're welcome doesn't mean he won't make fun of you if you bomb, though. Lickety Split 401 South St. 10pm. Free

12th air porno bingo- 254 S. 12th st. Starts at 10pm.

Improv class- Any level is welcome, aka it's cool if you suck, and if you're good people will all just go "wow" is great for an ego of any level. Get feedback from professionals, and then network in the social hour following the class. Free at the Community Education Center 3500 Lancaster Ave.

Sexy Sunday School- As someone who went to Sunday this is a little disturbing for me, but girls can drink for free, and you know how I love that. It's a costume party...so...dress like you're way to young for the guys who are gonna look at you. Kildare's 4417 Main St.

Showtune Sundays- "Bring your fair lady, put on a technicolor dream coat and come hang out with some guys and dolls who share your love of show tunes. The DJ will play clips from Broadway shows and movie musicals, and singing along is highly encouraged" Tavern on Camac 243 S. Camac St.. @

Kinky Quizzo- Free 10:30 pm. Valanni 1229 Spruce St.

1 comment:

  1. Some Summer Broke in Philly Events:

    June 1: Canadian Grindcore Masters MASSGRAVE will be playing for 5 bux with other Philly thrashers at the Terrordome, 48th a little past Haverford. 8 pm.

    June 3: Free Ska/Reggae from Belgium! The Moon Invaders (Belgian Ska/Reggae), The Caroloregians (Belgian Reggae), On Display (Philadelphia Reggae). All @ The Rotunda 4014 Walnut. 7 pm. Free.

    June 5: The Roots Picnic. At the Festival Pier at Penn’s Landing {Columbus Boulevard at Spring Garden Street}, The Roots will be hosting an all day FREE music event also featuring performances from groups like Vampire Weekend and many members of the Wu Tang Clan, and The Roots themselves!

    Now until June 20: The Wilma Theater at Spruce and Broad has daily rush $10 rush tickets for performances of their comedic political satire "Leaving" by former Czech President Vaclav Havel. Also starring David Strathairn, from the movie Good Night and Good Luck. http://www.wilmatheater.org/

    June 10- September 2: Enjoy a night of excitement and laughs on the Schuykill River Banks, every other Thursday, by the Walnut Street Bridge! Bring your friends, blankets, and picnic baskets for great and FREE films under the stars. All movies start at dusk, approximately 8:15 PM. Arrive early for free snacks and to enter a free raffle for a gift from IKEA! http://www.schuylkillbanks.org/newsView.aspx?topicID=35&newsID=144

    June 12: Punk Rock Cover band night at The Beaumont Warehouse in West Philly. Bands included are Cunt Fear (playing as Crass), Babe Division (Joy Division), RAMNEFOLDER (The Ramones), Fags in Cock (babes in toyland), Doomsday Hex (X Ray Spex), Ms. Fits (Misfits), and Heart. $5-7. 8 pm.

    June 23: DIY Punk/Metal show at Jr's Bar 22nd and Passyunk. Playing: In Ruins (Brutal Atlanta D-beat) and local favorites Doomed Youth, Vulcan, and Blood Bomber. 8 pm. 5 bucks.

    June 25-27: Taste of Philadelphia FREE 3 day outdoor festival on Penn's Landing featuring live music and taste booths from all of Philly's best

    July 25: Punk Rock Flea Market for only $3 at Starlight Ballroom. Hosted by r5productions.com

    August 4-15: See Shakespeare's Henry V for FREE at the Philadelphia Shakespeare Festival! Should be a good production! 22 and Sansom. http://www.phillyshakespeare.org/content.aspx?cid=10.6

    Late August-Early September: Check out the Philadelphia Fringe Festival. A whole month of dance, music, theatre, performance, and visual art going on all around around the city produced by hundreds of companies and collectives. A lot of it is cheap or free! Keep checking their website for updates: http://www.livearts-fringe.org/

    -Every Monday Night $1 PBR Bottles + Karoake at the Khyber
    - The last friday of every month is Critical Mass, a gigantic bike ride in Philadelphia. Begins at 6 pm at City Hall and goes for a a couple hours until you descend the Art Museum stairs with loads of other bike comrades!
    - The first Friday night of every month, all of the galleries open in Old city with Free Wine, Awesome Art, and just general cheap fun-ness.
    - PhillyMetal.com and Phillyshreds.com has everything you need for cheap punk and metal shows around the city
    - www.11points.com is a very funny blog that I've spent far too much time reading. You should too.
    - Coming off of your LOST high? Two equally (if not more) awesome shows that highly influenced LOST are online all for free. Watch the show Twin Peaks for free at CBS.com or The Prisoner @ www.amctv.com/originals/the-prisoner-1960s-series/. Get obsessed again!

    + x-posted to brokeinphilly.blogspot.com
